Back when my Guru Lucy was still in my life, she called me over for a little chat one day. She said that while she appreciated my attempt at a Goofball Holiday message the previous year, the message was in need of some serious improvement. For those of you who...
Where do you fall on the Mother Teresa fan-spectrum? Love her? Indifferent to her? Admire her work but have a problem with the institution with which she was aligned? From my quick scan of Wikipedia extensive research on the topic of Mother Teresa’s life, I am...
For those of you who are already up in arms because I put the words “sexy” and “addiction” in one sentence, hear me out. Addiction is not sexy. I know this. But in our wacky modern culture, particularly the materialist, consumerist portion of...
What’s your favorite form of entertainment? TV? Movies? Video games? Reading? (I know there are still some of you out there.) These days, we have bazillions of entertainment choices. Thanks to the electronic revolution, many of these choices are available 24/7....
Prejudice is like bad breath. We like to think we don’t have it, but we all do. At least, from time to time. With bad breath, we can brush our teeth. Or pop in a mint. If only it was that easy with prejudice. When it comes to preconceived notions about other...
We’ve all heard of the Seven Deadly Sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. Talk about a fun way to spend a Saturday night! And then there’s the Seven Virtues, meant to counteract the Seven Deadly Sins: chastity, temperance, charity,...