How Do You Get Unstuck about Money?

How Do You Get Unstuck about Money?

Dear Meli, My life is really good. I have a great partner. I have a job I like. I have a great relationship with my grown kids. I have a wonderful spiritual community. There’s only one part of my life that isn’t totally great. And that’s my...

Is It Spiritual to Take Medication for Depression?

Dear Meli, I have struggled with depression for many years. For a long time, I resisted the idea of medication. About two years ago, I finally started taking meds. They are definitely helping, but now I have another dilemma. I still have this idea that I should have...
How Meditation Can Save Your Life

How Meditation Can Save Your Life

Sure, meditation is great for becoming spiritually enlightened, but it’s also good for more basic stuff. Like saving your life. Before I started meditating, I would often have bad days. On a bad day, I would feel like this: Sometimes I knew why I felt bad. Other...
Are You a Victim of the Meditation Myth?

Are You a Victim of the Meditation Myth?

There’s a big fat myth about meditation. This myth is believed by meditators and non-meditators alike. It’s especially believed by people who’ve tried to meditate, but gave up because they sucked at it. Or think they sucked at it. Because of the...
­­­Do You Believe the Money Lie?

­­­Do You Believe the Money Lie?

There are so many lies about money, it’s hard to keep track of them all. Like: Money is the root of all evil. It’s actually attachment to money that causes behavior some might deem evil. Or how about this one: Money doesn’t grow on trees. If money...
­­­What’s Your Relationship Formula?

­­­What’s Your Relationship Formula?

We’re all run by formulas, whether we like to admit it or not. Given my hard-core nerd status, I actually like admitting it. Formulas that dictate my life and my interactions with others?! Yeah! Bring ’em on! In my early years, my relationships were run by...

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