I’m in love with a man named John. You might wonder what this has to do with my scuffle with back pain, but I assure you, they’re totally related. You might also wonder what Melissa, my sweetheart, thinks about my manly love interest, but check this out:...
Step aside Carl Jung. Step aside Ken Wilbur. There’s a new psycho-spiritual theorist in town and her name is . . . . Dr. Z! It doesn’t matter that I’m not actually a doctor. That didn’t stop me from coming up with a new theory that totally...
“I’m more spiritual than you are.” Has there ever been a more absurd statement in the history of the Universe? Sure, there are stranger things to say. Like, “My donkey is on backwards.” Or “What’s the square root of...
I have to confess: I didn’t want to go. Who wants to jump in their car at 7 a.m. and trot over to the Hall of Justice to report for jury duty? Certainly not me. Except I have another confession to make. Part of me did want to go. I believe everything happens for...
Have you ever made a mistake? How about a mistake in front of other people? How about a mistake in front of an audience? I don’t know about you, but making a mistake in front of an entire collection of people who have their eyes focused on me is not on the top...
The tree outside our bedroom window has been busy lately. Do you want to see what it’s been up to? Check it out: Talk about a show off. I mean, really. This tree is not holding back. It got me thinking. Nature is often used an example of unabashed abundance....