Have you ever hung out with someone you had nothing in common with? How was it? Did you love the challenge of connecting with someone completely different than you? Did you revel in the satisfaction of bridging dissimilarities and basking in your essential oneness? Or...
When we hear that someone is a “healer,” certain assumptions follow. We assume they know what they’re doing. We assume they will do their best to heal us. And we assume their methods will not bring us harm. But what happens when our assumptions are...
Have you ever given your power away? There are so many ways it can happen: You let someone else take the lead on a project because you think they’re smarter than you. You defer to your partner’s ideas about where you should go for dinner because you...
Do you believe in soul mates? If so, do you have a vision of what yours looks like? Perhaps you’re married to your soul mate, so you have a perfectly clear visual. Or maybe you have an image of your ideal mate, but you have yet to meet. Or you already met, but...
You’ve all been there: You’re having a great day. Maybe your best day ever. The planets are in alignment and everything is going your way. Everywhere you go, doors open. Birds fly in synchronized patterns above your head. People smile and give you cash....
When I first saw this photo on Flickr, I thought, I have to put that picture in my blog! I popped it in my Favorites folder and waited for the perfect opportunity. What zany situation would best be exemplified by a kitten popping its head out of a shutter? What...