How Can I Contribute to a Harmonious World?

How Can I Contribute to a Harmonious World?

If I had to sum up the recent U.S. Presidential election in one word, I would pick: Divisive. I don’t want to pick that word. I’d rather pick a fun word like Spunky. Or Effervescent. Or Jabberwocky. But alas. I am stuck with Divisive. We all are. In the aftermath of...
How Can We Hold the Recent Election in a Spiritual Light?

How Can We Hold the Recent Election in a Spiritual Light?

Dear Meli, I am gutted about the recent US presidential election. I was so sure that it was going to go a different way. At first, I felt physically ill. Lately I’ve been feeling a sense of apathy and depression. I am doubling down on my spiritual practices, and...
Why Falling Apart Can Be Part of Moving Forward

Why Falling Apart Can Be Part of Moving Forward

Once a week, Melissa and I unplug. We unplug from our email and our phones. We unplug from our work with OhMyGod Life. We even unplug from each other! I go into my office, shut the door, and spend the day reading and watching my favorite shows and movies. Melissa does...
How I Learned to Claim My Power by Giving It Away

How I Learned to Claim My Power by Giving It Away

I’m a little embarrassed to write this post. Okay, maybe more than a little. I would say I’m surprised I haven’t written about this already, given that it happened so long ago. But I’m not really surprised. Given the embarrassment factor. So let’s dive in, shall we?...
My Covid Miracle Part 2

My Covid Miracle Part 2

Who knew that Covid could be so giving? Granted, when Melissa and I got Covid for the first time in the winter of ’23, it was giving a lot of fatigue and sniffles. But it also churned out a miracle. As I explained in my first Covid Miracle post, I ended up with an...
The Worst Thing to Do When You’re Overwhelmed with Work

The Worst Thing to Do When You’re Overwhelmed with Work

Capitalism has done a lot of weird things to human beings. One of the weirdest is telling us we should equate our self-worth with productivity. If I’m super productive, I’m super worthy. If I’m not, I’m … not. Yeah. That’s a bigfat lie. And yet… The whole productivity...

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