It’s Abundance Time

It’s Abundance Time

Every day, in every way, I am prospered. If I forget this, all I have to do is look around. I savor the Flagrant Displays of Awesome of the plants and trees of this planet. I appreciate the never-ending supply of air that invigorates my lungs and body. I delight in...
Divine Ingredients

Divine Ingredients

I am made of Divine stuff. Every cell, every muscle, every tissue, every fiber of my being is made and sustained by Universal Intelligence. In other words, I am a complete and total miracle! And there’s more. I am not just a miraculous physical being. I am also a...
It Is True

It Is True

When I forget how wonderful I am, there are beings who can remind me of my truth. These beings may be in human form, animal form, or no form at all. Wherever I need to go to get my heart and soul back into alignment with the truth, I go there as often as needed. Every...
Find the Miracle

Find the Miracle

How am I viewing my life today? Do I see it as an experience of ever-expanding wonder? Or do I see it as something less than that? If my answer is anything less than awesome, I open to expansion today! The world is full of wonder, and my life is no exception. Today I...
Don’t  Forget to Be Awesome

Don’t Forget to Be Awesome

On this day, on this glorious Planet Earth, I do hereby accept my Advanced Degree in Awesome. I earned it! Yes, there were days when I didn’t yet know the high degree of Awe­some that I am. I was deluded into thinking that I wasn’t enough. But those days are over. Now...

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