11 Ways to Lift a Bad Mood

11 Ways to Lift a Bad Mood

Dear Meli, What do you do when you feel down? Most of the time I feel pretty good about things, but sometimes, so seemingly no reason, everything looks bleak. What do you do when the glass suddenly looks less than half full – and cracked?! Suddenly Sulky Dear Sulky,...
Is There Room for Ego in Spiritual Practice?

Is There Room for Ego in Spiritual Practice?

Dear Meli, I’m currently in a spiritual community where they talk a lot about the ego. Mostly, they talk about how bad it is. I’ve also started reading things about the Law of Attraction, where it talks about the power of thought in attracting what you...
How Meditation Can Save Your Life

How Meditation Can Save Your Life

Sure, meditation is great for becoming spiritually enlightened, but it’s also good for more basic stuff. Like saving your life. Before I started meditating, I would often have bad days. On a bad day, I would feel like this: Sometimes I knew why I felt bad. Other...

Is Astrology Bad for You?

Dear Meli, A few years ago, I had a reading done by an astrologer. She was recommended to me by a friend of mind. Even though I was resistant to going, the reading was amazing. It was like the astrologer could read my mind – she knew so much about me without me having...

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