Why Following Your Bliss Doesn’t Always Feel Good

Why Following Your Bliss Doesn’t Always Feel Good

Many moons ago, a guy named Joseph Campbell told us we’re supposed to follow our bliss. If we do that, according to him, everything gets seriously groovy. Doors start to open. Money flows in. Our chakras get all lined up and our aura turns into a Technicolor...

How Do You Follow Your Bliss and Pay Your Rent?

Dear Meli, You know how they say to follow your bliss? But what about paying your rent? I have a job that I don’t like very much. But it pays really well. Also, I’m not sure what else I’d want to do. But I know that I don’t feel fulfilled. The...

My Mid-Life Procrastination Attack

I never used to procrastinate. Never. Okay, maybe sometimes. Like during tax season. But that was about it. I used to take pity on the poor schmucks who would put things off. I felt sorry for them. I felt empathy for their plight. It must be hard, I thought, to have...

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