How Do You Let Go of Being a Victim?

How Do You Let Go of Being a Victim?

Dear Meli, I recently had someone tell me that I have a tendency to be a victim. Pretty annoying, right? Well, it’s not the first time I’ve heard this. Lately, I’ve made the commitment to be more self-aware. And . . . Bingo! Do you have any advice of...
Is It Ever Right to Change Yourself for Others?

Is It Ever Right to Change Yourself for Others?

Dear Meli, I am a strong-minded person who tells it like it is. Some people are turned off by this, but my closest friends are not. Lately though, I was dating a man I really liked a lot. As he was breaking up with me, he said that I’m just “too...
Is Money a Corrupting Influence?

Is Money a Corrupting Influence?

Dear Meli, Money is the root of all evil. Yeah, I know that we spiritual types shake our heads at this phrase and say “No way!” But I kinda agree with it. Even when I don’t want to. I’ve been working really hard lately to let in more money in my life, and I’m aware...

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