­­­How to Overcome Resistance to Change

­­­How to Overcome Resistance to Change

Change is the one thing that never changes. Don’t you find that annoying? Maybe you don’t. Maybe you’re one of those nifty people that actually embraces the fact that everything is always changing all the time. It’s not that I never embrace...
My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 8: The Quick Change Artist

My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 8: The Quick Change Artist

If you’re anything like me, you love change. You can’t get enough of it! Every day, you wake up and pray that the Universe will totally rearrange every aspect of your life so you can feel completely disoriented, discombobulated, and disenfranchised. HA! As...
Dr. Z Explains the 3 Stages of Growth – And How to Master Them

Dr. Z Explains the 3 Stages of Growth – And How to Master Them

Hello Goofballs! Dr. Z here, ready to blow your mind with another powerful and persuasive theory! We all know three is a magic number. There are Three Bears. Three Wise Men. Three Blind Mice. And, of course, Three Stooges. But the Really Important Thing about the...
Why Affirmations Are a Trick. And Why It’s Okay to Be Fooled.

Why Affirmations Are a Trick. And Why It’s Okay to Be Fooled.

Have you ever affirmed something? Maybe you employed the technique of visualization. Maybe you stood in front of a mirror and recited affirmations. Maybe you cut out a bunch of pictures and put them on a vision board. Or maybe you just focused your mind on a...
­­­My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 4: The Evil Fountain

­­­My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 4: The Evil Fountain

How do you react when something new enters your environment? Do you embrace it wholeheartedly, with a smile on your face and a glow in your heart? Do you ignore it, pretending it’s not really there? Or do you try to eradicate it by any means necessary, resorting...

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