­­­Why Judging Others Is a Spiritual Practice

­­­Why Judging Others Is a Spiritual Practice

If you’re a good little spiritual seeker, one of the first things you learn is you’re not supposed to judge others. Judging others is baaaaaaaad. Wait. Is that a judgment? Kinda sounds like one. Let’s try this instead: Judging others is not an...
How to Be With the Non-Woo-Woo

How to Be With the Non-Woo-Woo

Have you ever hung out with someone you had nothing in common with? How was it? Did you love the challenge of connecting with someone completely different than you? Did you revel in the satisfaction of bridging dissimilarities and basking in your essential oneness? Or...
Why Affirmations Are a Trick. And Why It’s Okay to Be Fooled.

Why Affirmations Are a Trick. And Why It’s Okay to Be Fooled.

Have you ever affirmed something? Maybe you employed the technique of visualization. Maybe you stood in front of a mirror and recited affirmations. Maybe you cut out a bunch of pictures and put them on a vision board. Or maybe you just focused your mind on a...
­­­Why Marriage Matters

­­­Why Marriage Matters

Are you one of those kids who dreamed about your wedding day? Or were you more into playing kickball and eating ice cream, unencumbered by such trivial fantasies? Throughout my childhood, I was solidly in the second camp. I never once had images of myself in a fancy...

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