How Do You Get Your Power Back?

How Do You Get Your Power Back?

Dear Meli, I have a friend that I give my power away to all the time. I don’t know what it is about her, but even when I give myself a pep talk before I see her, I always end up just giving up and going along with whatever she says is right. I love a lot of...
How Do You Handle Betrayal?

How Do You Handle Betrayal?

Dear Meli, Jan and I have been best friends for about ten years. I met her through my job, and we immediately hit it off. We have been through a lot of stuff together, and I always thought she had my back. Recently, I found out that she has been saying bad stuff about...
Are You Supposed to Heal Every Illness?

Are You Supposed to Heal Every Illness?

Dear Meli, I have a friend who is dying. He’s been sick for a long time, so it’s actually a relief. But here’s the thing. One of our mutual friends is not accepting that he’s going. She’s insisting that we need to pray more about it....

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