Lying as a Spiritual Practice

Lying as a Spiritual Practice

If you’re like most people, you’ve told a lie from time to time. But have you ever been forced to lie? By a boss? Or parent? Or friend? How did you handle it? Did you ever come clean and tell the truth? Back in the day, I got a great job. It was in the...

What My Honeymoon Taught Me About the Nature of Reality

When you think of a honeymoon, what comes to mind? Dreamy newlyweds drinking champagne, staring into each other’s eyes? Or trips to Hawaii and the Bahamas, with long, lazy days spent sleeping and making love? Or how about mind excursions into the fleeting nature...

10 Ways to Raise the Real Estate Value of Your Mind

Your mind is like a bad neighborhood. Never go in it alone. I love this expression. It reminds me of the perils of venturing, unchaperoned, into the ruts and rubble of my unexamined thoughts and beliefs. I am also reminded that a “bad neighborhood” can...

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