­­­Do You Believe the Money Lie?

­­­Do You Believe the Money Lie?

There are so many lies about money, it’s hard to keep track of them all. Like: Money is the root of all evil. It’s actually attachment to money that causes behavior some might deem evil. Or how about this one: Money doesn’t grow on trees. If money...
Lying as a Spiritual Practice

Lying as a Spiritual Practice

If you’re like most people, you’ve told a lie from time to time. But have you ever been forced to lie? By a boss? Or parent? Or friend? How did you handle it? Did you ever come clean and tell the truth? Back in the day, I got a great job. It was in the...

My Short, Sad Life as a Rodeo Clown

If I told you I used to work as a rodeo clown, would you believe me? If you said Yes, you’re in the majority. Most of the people to whom I’ve told this crazy story have believed me. Notice the past tense. Told. My days as a fake former-rodeo-clown are...

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