Here’s Something to Try the Next Time You Need a Pick-Me-Up

Here’s Something to Try the Next Time You Need a Pick-Me-Up

If you’re feeling down and need a pick-me-up, there are all kinds of things you can do. You can meditate. You can go for a walk. You can pray. All those things are great, don’t get me wrong. But today I want to introduce you to something you’ve...

What’s the Best Way to Handle Negative People?

Dear Meli, I’m in love! And it’s not what you think! After years of thinking that God and spiritual stuff was for wimps, I’ve now realized that Spirit is awesome! I went to a spiritual retreat because a friend of mine convinced me to go. I thought it...
Take the All-Day Appreciator Challenge!

Take the All-Day Appreciator Challenge!

Have you ever listened to what your mind is telling you? Like, really listened? If your mind is anything like my mind, it can get pretty interesting in there. Sure, my mind coughs up some deep and profound stuff from time to time. It also gets totally blissed out and...
8 Tips for Dealing with Negative People

8 Tips for Dealing with Negative People

You’ve all been there: You’re having a great day. Maybe your best day ever. The planets are in alignment and everything is going your way. Everywhere you go, doors open. Birds fly in synchronized patterns above your head. People smile and give you cash....

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