A Wacky Way to Stop Caring What Other People Think

A Wacky Way to Stop Caring What Other People Think

I admit it. I care what other people think of me. Though not nearly as much as I used to. But even much-less-than-I-used-to is still too much for me. So lately, I’ve been working on letting go of other people’s opinions even more. Or should I say, what I...

How Do You Handle Discord in Spiritual Community?

Dear Meli, For a long time, I did my spiritual practice by myself. Although this was okay, I longed for spiritual community. Then I found one! It was amazing. But after spending more time with this group, I found out that the leader is not who she originally seemed to...

What’s the Best Way to Handle Negative People?

Dear Meli, I’m in love! And it’s not what you think! After years of thinking that God and spiritual stuff was for wimps, I’ve now realized that Spirit is awesome! I went to a spiritual retreat because a friend of mine convinced me to go. I thought it...

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