How Can You Find Fulfilling Work?

How Can You Find Fulfilling Work?

Dear Meli, I hate my job. Like, really really really hate my job. But I can’t quit. I need to support my family and right now there’s nothing else out there in my field. In spiritual circles, they say “Do what you love and the money will...

Is It Okay To Give People Makeovers in Your Mind?

Dear Meli, I am in the health and beauty business. Because of this, or maybe just because of the way I am, I’m always giving people makeovers in my head. It’s actually kinda fun, because I make them look way better. But I’m also aware, because I know...
How I Got Schooled by a 93-Year-Old Toastmaster

How I Got Schooled by a 93-Year-Old Toastmaster

Have you ever underestimated someone? Perhaps you decided they weren’t smart enough. Or cool enough. Or nice enough. Or spiritual enough. I don’t know about you, but I find that my snap judgments of people are usually wrong. I mean, first of all,...

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