Kindness Try It

Kindness Try It

It’s easy to be kind to someone when I first meet them. I haven’t learned anything about them that bugs me yet! Once I really get to know someone, that’s when kindness becomes a spiritual practice. Can I be kind even when I’m tired? Can I be kind even when I’m...
The Secret Spiritual Power of Passwords

The Secret Spiritual Power of Passwords

When you think of a password, what comes to mind? How often you forget them? Sharing them with others so you can watch Netflix or Hulu? Getting hacked and having your passwords – and identity – stolen? Those are all perfectly acceptable answers, but how about the...
Spirit’s Secret Magic

Spirit’s Secret Magic

If I could look at a secret blueprint of my life, Spirit’s touch would be all over it. Spirit made me. Spirit sustains me. When I bask in this knowledge, I realize that Spirit and I are inextricably joined. I can follow Spirit’s lead in everything I do. I can ask...
My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 7: The Secret

My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 7: The Secret

Have you ever had something you’re embarrassed about? Something you don’t want anyone to know? Actually, I don’t need to ask that question. Everybody has secrets. Everybody has things they’re ashamed about, things they’d rather keep...

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