Spirit’s Secret Magic

Spirit’s Secret Magic

If I could look at a secret blueprint of my life, Spirit’s touch would be all over it. Spirit made me. Spirit sustains me. When I bask in this knowledge, I realize that Spirit and I are inextricably joined. I can follow Spirit’s lead in everything I do. I can ask...
Get Truth

Get Truth

Spirit always tells the truth. When there are voices in my head telling me there’s something wrong with me, that’s not the voice of Spirit. Yes, there may be things about myself I want to change, but shaming myself is not the way to get there. Change comes with love,...
Today No Rushing

Today No Rushing

When I’m in a rush to accomplish something, the process can get comprised. I might drop balls. I might forget important details. And, most important, I might forget to relax and enjoy the ride! Today I remember to slow down. I appreciate every step. I ask Spirit for...
Stay Awake and Aware

Stay Awake and Aware

Voices of authority are everywhere. Some I trust. Others I don’t. Some I trust for a while, and then I don’t. Staying in discernment about whom to trust is an incredibly valuable process. When I am awake and aware, I build a strong rela­tionship with my own inner...
Who’s Driving

Who’s Driving

Fear can have a momentum of its own. One fearful thought leads to another, and another. Before I know it, fear is driving my life. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Today I stop fear in its tracks. I remember that Spirit is in charge. I ask Spirit for Help, and I...

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