How Can You Find Fulfilling Work?

How Can You Find Fulfilling Work?

Dear Meli, I hate my job. Like, really really really hate my job. But I can’t quit. I need to support my family and right now there’s nothing else out there in my field. In spiritual circles, they say “Do what you love and the money will...

How Do You Visualize When You’re Stuck?

Dear Meli, When I first started doing affirmations and visualizing, I had great luck. Everything I imagined came to me – friends, a great job, good health. But lately – everything has been falling apart. I’m still doing the affirmations and visualization, but...

What to Do When You’re Stuck in a Rut: A Farmer’s Tale

There’s only one thing worse than being caught in a rut, and that’s not being able to get out. When was the last time you found yourself in such a situation? What did you do? Bury your head, ostrich-style? Attempt to scramble your way out, only to find...

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