Two Things NOT to Do in Relationships

Two Things NOT to Do in Relationships

I heard a story the other day that was a great reminder about what not to do in relationships. The story was about a husband and wife who frequently got into arguments about who changed the toilet paper more. They were both convinced that they changed the toilet paper...

Is It Spiritual to Take Medication for Depression?

Dear Meli, I have struggled with depression for many years. For a long time, I resisted the idea of medication. About two years ago, I finally started taking meds. They are definitely helping, but now I have another dilemma. I still have this idea that I should have...
Are You a Victim of the Meditation Myth?

Are You a Victim of the Meditation Myth?

There’s a big fat myth about meditation. This myth is believed by meditators and non-meditators alike. It’s especially believed by people who’ve tried to meditate, but gave up because they sucked at it. Or think they sucked at it. Because of the...
A Radical Mantra That Will Shake Up Your Life

A Radical Mantra That Will Shake Up Your Life

What if there was a mantra that could solve all of your problems? I’m talking every single one of your problems – from hangnail to divorce. What if this mantra had the power to completely eviscerate everything you perceive as difficult, wrong, or...

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