Annoyed? Try Love!

Annoyed? Try Love!

Some people are really good at annoying me. Actually, even though it seems like they’re the ones who are doing the annoying, the annoyance is really in my mind. I’m choosing to focus on aspects of them I find irritating. Today, I turn my focus within. My laser-sharp...
Be Here Now

Be Here Now

I allow myself to breathe and stay present today. I am safe in the world because I take care of myself. I listen to my inner knowing and I don’t go where I am not safe. I use all my inner and outer resources to take care of me. As I do so, I know that the present...
Pat Yourself on the Back

Pat Yourself on the Back

Hey you! That’s right, I’m looking at you. You are soooo much cooler than you realize. You keep going, even when you feel like giving up. You make mistakes, and you learn from them. You uplift the people around you. So remember – don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re...
Do You Today

Do You Today

I am much more than a body. I am much more than the clothing I put on my body. And yet everything is Divine. This includes the clothing I put on my body! Today I take a moment to appreciate my clothes. I thank them for sheltering my body. I admire their textures and...

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