Use Your Guide

Use Your Guide

My intuition is my connection with the Divine. My intuition offers me fine-tuned, personalized, highly specific infor­mation. Learning to access my intuition is totally worth it! It may take time to learn how to hear it, but the more I prac­tice, the better I get....
It’s a Gift

It’s a Gift

Is’ Even though I may feel like an expert on my life, there are some things I can’t see clearly. This is when bringing in a second – or third! – opinion can be helpful. A friend or counselor can see things about me I can’t. If I’m willing to listen to their...
Take the Fast Lane

Take the Fast Lane

Listening to Spirit means letting go of my judgments and preconceptions. I may have a very clear vision of what I want to do, but is that what Spirit sees for me? Today I find out. Today I allow myself to be still and listen to Spirit within. Where is Spirit calling...
Ultra Quiet or Booming

Ultra Quiet or Booming

Spirit speaks to me in whispers. And Spirit speaks to me in shouts. All messages from the Divine are valid and important, regardless of the volume with which they are delivered. Today I listen for whispers and shouts, and everything in between. Is there something I’ve...
Moderation It’s Happening

Moderation It’s Happening

Moderation is a magical thing. When I practice moderation, my life comes into a natural and holistic balance. And when I practice moderation in moderation? That’s when I hit the sweet spot. I allow myself to stray from my plans every now and then. I listen to myself –...

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