When I’m telling myself I’m “better” than someone, I’m putting myself in a weird position. A position of distance and disdain. That doesn’t feel good! Acceptance of others exactly as they are feels much better. It doesn’t mean I have to approve of their actions. It...
Balance is the nature of my life. My body is a balancing machine – digesting food, circulating oxygen, generating new cells. Today I take inspiration from my body. I do what I can to balance all the systems in my life – work and play, rest and activity, solitude and...
I am a free agent. Even if I feel constrained by my environment or by my inner rules and regulations, I am ultimately free to choose who I am. Today I examine my life for areas where I may have been holding back. Where can I express myself more fully? Where can I...
To everything, there is a season. This includes the season of action. Sometimes I just need to do something. Take action on an overdue project. Try a new way of approaching an old problem. Or simply get up and move around when I’m feeling stuck. Today I look for those...
Mixed feelings are exactly that – a rich mix of emotional states. As with all feelings, the best thing is to simply let them be. When I have mixed feelings about something, I can allow those feelings to express and move through me. Once they are safely on their way, I...