Be Full of It

Be Full of It

Telling the truth takes guts. But I am full of guts! Today I search for any truth I may have been withholding from myself. Is there something I haven’t wanted to admit about a situation or person in my life? Is there something I haven’t wanted to admit about me? If it...
Affirm It

Affirm It

It’s easy to get distracted by the world around me. Espe­cially when I’m in the process of affirming new good. Where is it? I don’t see it! I don’t believe it will ever happen! When I compare my affirmations with what I see in my present circum­stances, I may get...
Use Your Deep Breath

Use Your Deep Breath

Being mad is like being on drugs. My body feels a rush of adrenalin and my mind becomes compromised. Acting from this drugged-like state is usually not a good idea. Especially when it comes to verbal engagements. That’s where breathing comes in. Taking a deep breath,...
Amaze Yourself

Amaze Yourself

The phrase even better than I can imagine is magical. By adding it to my repertoire, I am allowing Spirit to blast open any limited visions I may be carting around. Spirit’s vision for my good is always bigger than mine. When I affirm that I am opening to good that’s...
Become Fear-Less

Become Fear-Less

Fear is a message from my Higher Self. When I’m afraid, I know it is one of two messages: 1) I need to change course and get out of there fast. 2) I am believing a lie. If the ego self tells me a lie but I don’t believe it, I feel nothing. But if I tell myself a lie...

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