When I was younger, I cared a lot more about what other people thought of me. The older I get, the less this is true. Not that I don’t care about other people and what they think. Other people are fascinating! But their opinions about me? Not. My. Concern. Besides,...
No matter what happens, I am in control of how I see it. That’s why the power of positivity is so strong. When I choose to see the positive elements of everything, I unleash the positive capacities of everything. That is what I do today. I view every choice I make,...
Hurling love is a great hobby. Whom can I share love with today? Maybe it’s the clerk at the store. Maybe it’s a co-worker. Maybe it’s a friend who’s feeling low. Maybe it’s me! When I throw love all over the place, there’s more love in the world. Plus I’m...
The love of Spirit is beyond comprehension. And yet every day, more and more, I can relax into Spirit’s love. I can remember that Spirit loves me exactly as I am. Even if it’s only an intellectual understanding at first, focusing on the unconditional love of Spirit...
I love looking to others for inspiration. When I step outside myself and look at the lives of others, I see things in them that I can’t always see in myself. When someone makes a mistake and then gets up and keeps going, I don’t condemn them for falling. Instead, I...