Today I am kind. I am kind to my body. I do all I can to keep it healthy and strong. I am kind to my mind. I allow it to rest when it needs to. I nurture it with stimulating ideas and activ-ities. I am kind to my emotions. I allow them to flow freely through me,...
Things are scariest when they’re ignored. When looked at head on, my Big Scary fears tend to dissipate. Today I turn and face the Big and Scary. As I do so, I ask Spirit for help. Spirit, give me the strength to look at what I’m afraid to see. Give me the wisdom to...
Tom Sawyer attracted help painting his fence by pretending to be enthusiastic. But I don’t have to pretend. When I follow my passions, my enthusiasm comes naturally. I can’t help it! As I do what I love, I tap into the power of Spirit. In this place, the energy flows...
If I could look at a secret blueprint of my life, Spirit’s touch would be all over it. Spirit made me. Spirit sustains me. When I bask in this knowledge, I realize that Spirit and I are inextricably joined. I can follow Spirit’s lead in everything I do. I can ask...
In order to keep my momentum in any project, I know the value of moderation. When I stop a task when I still have energy to keep going, I can use that “extra” energy to pick up where I left off the next day. When I do this, I avoid burnout and cultivate a productive...