From the time I was a baby, I have tripped and fallen. And then I’ve gotten up. When I was little, getting up was simply what I did. Today, I remember that resilience. Falling is simply a part of moving forward. It happens, and it’s no big deal! I pick myself up and I...
Today I fashion myself after a cat. I purr. I yawn. I stretch. All the while, I take pleasure in who I am. How magnificent am I! How wonderful! If others can’t see this, it doesn’t bother me one bit. I’m far too busy living my life, being the absolutely magnificent...
My mind can be a crowded place. So many different thoughts in there! Then I stop for a minute. Or two. Or thirty. I breathe. I relax. My mind may still be chatty and crowded with thoughts, but this simple practice of stopping and breathing allows some space to come....
When I was younger, I cared a lot more about what other people thought of me. The older I get, the less this is true. Not that I don’t care about other people and what they think. Other people are fascinating! But their opinions about me? Not. My. Concern. Besides,...
No matter what happens, I am in control of how I see it. That’s why the power of positivity is so strong. When I choose to see the positive elements of everything, I unleash the positive capacities of everything. That is what I do today. I view every choice I make,...