Health, wealth, and wisdom are mine. I may not always feel like they’re mine, but they are! Today I notice all the ways in which I am healthy. I notice how my body supports and sustains me. Today I notice my wealth. I see the abundance all around me. Today I thank...
My body is my buddy. It is always there for me, working 24/7 to keep me alive. Today I give back to my buddy. What can I do to show my body some love? Do I need to give it a nap? Do I need to take it for a stroll around the block? Do I need to feed it some healthy,...
I live in a universe of abundance. Spirit did not put me here to shrink away. Spirit put me here to play, laugh, and enjoy my life. There’s lots of “cake” in my life. Am I holding back from enjoying it? Am I waiting until I am “enough” in some area...
Today I take a walk on the bold side. What wild ideas want to be unleashed in me? Today I let them out. First I admit them to myself. Then I write them down. Then I take the first steps toward their realization. As I do so, I am invigorated. I feel alive and...
It’s easy to jump to conclusions about something. Especially something I don’t understand. My mind loves to have answers and certainty, and it has no problem making stuff up! But when I pause, and stay curious about things I don’t understand, I allow room for all...