Try a Static Reducer

Try a Static Reducer

Just because something is familiar doesn’t mean it’s still mine. Life just keeps life-ing, and this means constant change. Today I take a look: Is there anything I’ve outgrown that I’m still holding onto? If so, I gently release it. I send it off with love. I trust...
Reshaping Memory

Reshaping Memory

Research about memory teaches me that memory is a highly unreliable narrator of my life. There’s good news in this. If memory is a subjective and ever-changing phenomenon, I can use this awareness to shape my past into whatever I want. My childhood had a myriad of...
I Feel I Allow

I Feel I Allow

It’s natural to want to push away sad or other uncomfortable feelings. Why can’t I just be happy all the time? And yet the more I can allow all my feelings to simply be, the happier I am. When I fully give myself to feeling a feeling, it has a beauty all its own....
Experience Good Thoughts

Experience Good Thoughts

My inner and outer worlds have a lot in common. If my thoughts tell me that money is dirty and bad, I will experience money as dirty and bad. The great news about this is that I can change my thoughts. It won’t happen overnight. And it takes consistent discipline and...
Choose Divine Guidance

Choose Divine Guidance

Not everything in my life is meant to stay there. When I realize it’s time to part ways with something or someone, I meditate on the best way to separate. Do I want to have a formal goodbye? Do I want to ask others to help me let go? How can I best honor the past and...

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