One of the best things I can affirm for myself is that everything keeps getting better. As I do this, I am making room for Spirit to bring wonderful new things into my life. These new things may be different than what I expected. But because I’m affirming that things...
While I am free to manifest desires from a place of striving, it’s not the optimal way. The best way? Align with Source. When I align with Source, I am aligning with a massive, magnificent Manifestor. This Manifestor creates Universes! It’s waaaaay smarter than me...
One of the best things I can do for myself is learn to approve of myself just as I am. Maybe I’m sad. That’s okay. Maybe I’m angry. That’s okay too. Maybe I’m so happy I want to burst. That’s just as okay as everything else I may be doing or feeling in any moment. The...
There is no one like me. I am a unique creation of the Divine. The more I embrace who I am – exactly who I am, everything about me – the more I am allowing the Divine to express as me. That’s amazing! I am co-creating with an awesome and mighty Force. This Force is...
If someone has an issue with my true self, I know it has nothing to do with me. Whether someone loves me or hates me, it has nothing to do with me. They have an image of who I am and an experience of how they feel in relation to me, but all of that is happening over...