Full o’ Love

Full o’ Love

I get to fill my head with whatever I want. When I put positive and affirmative stuff in there, my life shines. But some­times other things like to camp out in my head – old ideas and images of myself and other people. When I find one of those old ideas, I surround it...
Mountains and Me

Mountains and Me

There’s only one thing happening here. One power and presence in all of creation. This presence births planets and stars. It makes mountains and oceans. And it also makes me. Wow. That’s incredible! Today I remember what I’m made of. I remember that this presence is...
Follow the Happy Track

Follow the Happy Track

The biggest freedom in my life is my freedom to choose. I am always at choice. Today I take stock. Where are my current choices leading me? To happiness and fulfillment? Or to darkness and despair? If it’s the latter, it’s never too late to change things up. I can ask...
Designate Spirit

Designate Spirit

Thank God for designated drivers! There’s no way to know how many lives have been saved by people being willing to abstain and care for others. The same is true for me and my spiritual practice. Sometimes I don’t have the presence of mind to be driving the car that is...
Happy Heart Feeling

Happy Heart Feeling

In my life, I’ve had lots of dreams. Some of them have already come true. Some I let go of because they no longer fit. And then there are those other dreams, the ones that have yet to come true. As long as a dream makes my heart happy, I hold onto it. That happy-heart...

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