I can’t be productive all the time. Productivity is born from inspiration and energy, and those require balance. So in order to stay productive, I need to cultivate balance in my life. This includes rest. This includes daydreaming. This includes time to do nothing at...
Spirit is a multi-faceted Goodness generator. As I align with Spirit’s love within and around me, other aspects of Spirit’s riches are drawn to me as well: like contentment, prosperity, and vitality. If I’m feeling lack in one area, the best way to enrich it is to...
I deserve to have people in my life who love and support me. And I deserve to have people in my life whom I can love and support. It feels so good to empower and encourage each other in this way. It allows us to go out into the world, sharing our gifts and uplifting...
When I was a kid, I knew I was going into theater. I say knew, as opposed to dreamed about, because I was given a vision showing me exactly what was coming. It happened when I was seven years old. I was standing in my parent’s bedroom. Suddenly, in my mind’s eye, I...
I had no idea I had a hidden theme until I was confronted with it by my ex-girlfriend. My ex-girlfriend was all about confrontation. Which is one of a thousand reasons why she’s my ex. In this case, however, her confrontation was the mildest and most helpful of our...