I AM Remembering

I AM Remembering

I’ve got a great gig. I get to strut around on the stage of my life, singing my heart out. The Universe, meanwhile, is backing me up on drums, guitar, keyboards – even a horn section. What rockin’ music we’re making! Today I remem-ber to claim my role at the center...
It’s Smile Time

It’s Smile Time

When someone smiles at me, I smile back. The act of smiling releases the neurotransmitters dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin in my body, sending messages to my whole being that I’m happy. When I smile at someone else, and they smile back, I am bringing happiness to...
De Facto

De Facto

Everything changes. All the time. The only thing in my life that never changes is Spirit. Whenever I feel like life is too much to bear, I remember this. I remember that This too shall pass. And I remember that Spirit is with me in the passing. As I breathe into this...
Yes to Self-Care

Yes to Self-Care

Divine energy is limitless and free. Adding boundaries to a life dedicated to limitless freedom seems like a contradiction. And yet it is only by having boundaries that I can access Divine energy. Boundaries allow me time and space for spiritual practice. Spiritual...
Ouch Hooee Geez

Ouch Hooee Geez

When I am hurt, it’s tempting to lash out. I may want to tell the person who hurt me how bad I feel, or why they are wrong. But there’s another option. When I simply say Ouch, I am communicating a big fat bundle of information without shame or blame. I am saying I am...

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