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Life in Z-D
Why Our Third Tour Kicked Our Ass and What We Plan To Do About It
A few months ago, we got home from our third tour. The more we tour, the better we get at it. For instance, we knew that we were going to need a week of down time after we got home in order to refresh and regroup. Oh, how wrong we were! It turned out we needed about...
When What You Think You’re Missing Isn’t What You’re Missing
When I moved to California several decades ago, I attended my first metaphysical church. Up until that point, I had been a convert of the Lone Ranger School of Spirituality. The Lone Ranger approach worked out well enough. I meditated. By myself. I read a lot of...
My Guru Has a Tail, Ep 19: What in God’s Name Is That Noise?
Most Gurus have a past, and ours is no exception. Our Guru kitty Max spent the first two years of his life on the streets. Literally. When he first showed up at the home of a friend of ours, he was dirty and scrawny. Our friend tried to integrate him into her...
Is Your Current Plan a Safer Version of What’s Really Calling You?
You’re not always right. No offense, but you’re not. And I’m not saying this because I’m a Super Smarty Pants who knows everything and always does what I’m supposed to do. Quite the opposite, in fact. I’m a Super Silly Pants who has all sorts of ideas that are not...
The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory
First off, I need to say that I’m not a conspiracy theorist. And it’s not just because I don’t look good in tinfoil. I don’t believe that Elvis Presley faked his death. I don’t believe that the British royal family are descended from blood-drinking, shape-shifting...
A Crucial Skill in Long-Term Relationships
My wife Melissa and I have been together over thirteen years. That’s not nearly as long as my parents, who have been together for over 60 years. (Hi, Mom and Dad!) And it’s not nearly as long as countless other couples around the world. Nevertheless, the past thirteen...
How to Get Unstuck From a Problem
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Einstein said that, and he was kinda smart. But where is Einstein when I’m stuck in my problem-creating thinking? Hey, Mr. Smarty Pants. How do I get to the different thinking that’s...
Owning an RV as a Spiritual Practice
I’ll never forget our first night in our travel van. We were staying in an RV park near the dealer so if anything went wrong, we could call them and troubleshoot. Great idea, right? Except something went wrong at 3 a.m. which is, as it turns out, not the best time to...
How to Overcome Discouragement
I love getting discouraged. It’s a wonderful opportunity to put my spiritual tools to use. Kidding! I haaaaaaate getting discouraged. It’s like falling into a dark, slimy hole. Everything was fine! I was doing so well! And then I tripped and fell into a horrible hole...
3 Tricks to Letting in Prosperity
Letting in prosperity can be an uncomfy topic for us spiritual types. After all, Spirit is all about love and light. Twinkles and rainbows. It can feel like a contradiction to bring Spirit into a conversation about money, which – let’s face it – has a pretty dirty...
Six Great Questions About Meditation
A while back, a local high school student sent me a bunch of interview questions for her research paper. The focus of her research was spirituality and meditation. As I was filling out my answers, I was struck by what great questions she was asking. This is a high...
My Guru Has a Tail Episode 18: The Aggressive Television
Gurus teach us that everything is spiritual. Everything. Even the smaller, mundane aspects of life are part of the Divine web. Our Guru Max, however, has one exception to the whole “Everything is Divine” assertion. That exception is our television set. Last winter,...