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Life in Z-D
The Alternative to Gratitude
Gratitude is big these days. Oprah’s crazy about it. Scientific studies are being done about it. Everywhere you turn, someone is extolling the virtues of having a gratitude practice – including me! But there’s an alternative practice to gratitude, one that no one ever...
How to Be Happy When You Haven’t Accomplished Your Goals Yet
I don’t know about you, but I love getting stuff done. It feels sooooo good. So satisfying. And yet. When all the focus is on getting to a goal, whatever that goal may be – whether it’s losing weight, or getting a new job, or becoming spiritually enlightened – all...
What to Do About the Drunk Guy in Your Head
We all have him. You may not always hear him, but he’s there. Spouting loud, obnoxious stuff. Blatant lies. Cruel insults. Most people call it the ego, but lately I’ve come to see this aspect of myself as a loud, sloppy drunk dude. Yes, it’s a dude. There are...
In Defense of Kumbaya
It's not like we're going to just hold hands and start singing Kumbaya. How many times have you heard a phrase like this, particularly when someone is advocating for a non-superficial approach to problem solving? And yes, I understand this reaction. We definitely...
What’s Missing in Most Manifestation Regimes
For those of us who are into manifestation – and even those that aren’t – there are a few common elements we’ve all come to expect. The vision board. Affirmations. Visualization. But there’s one element to manifestation that often gets left out. This neglected element...
Best. Failure. Lesson. Ever.
Years ago, I was a shy, insecure young adult living in Boston, Massachusetts. On the outside, I appeared somewhat confident. But I wasn’t. Confidence was something others had. I definitely wanted more of it. But I wasn’t sure how. I don’t remember much about my time...
What Long Term Relationships Can Learn From Short Term Ones
When you see a couple that’s just fallen in love, do you envy them? Or do you think: Yeah, just wait. Pretty soon you’ll be fighting over money and who takes out the trash. Enjoy it while it lasts, suckers! Whatever your reaction to the freshly-in-love, they have...
The Hidden Plot Twist in Your Life Story
Have you ever seen a movie with a hidden plot twist? One you never saw coming? The best friend is the murderer. The hero is the villain. The goofy sidekick is actually an evil genius intent on destroying the planet with her madcap unicorn made of slime. You know, the...
What’s Your Prosperity Score?
We all have one. You might not know you have one. But you do. Each and every person on this planet has a prosperity score, a setting that determines how much prosperity they have – and will allow – into their lives. Because prosperity is a huge topic, everyone has a...
How to Love Your Body Now!
Is there anything more annoying than being told you should do something? You should floss every day. You should think positive thoughts. You should exercise, eat right, meditate, get lots of sleep, be nice to strangers, stay away from booze and drugs, and rescue...
My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 12: The Sex Scandal
Everyone who knows anything about Gurus knows that they tend to get snagged by three things. Sex. Money. Power. Our Guru Max is totally uninterested in money. We tried giving him a credit card, but the lack of opposable thumbs made it difficult to use. He’s not...
The 3 Problems with Being Guided by Spirit
It sounds so romantic. I’m letting Spirit guide my life. I’m being held and sustained by a Power that’s greater than me. I never worry about anything, ever, because I know the Divine is always in charge. But, like any great romance, there’s a downside. No, it doesn’t...