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Choose Un-Attraction
The only place a vicious cycle has any power is in my mind. This is great news! I’m in charge of my mind, so I can stop a vicious cycle in its tracks. Sometimes, if I’m not paying attention, a cycle may get some traction before I notice it. Indeed, sometimes the...

I am a ninja! I am capable of so much more than I know. When I am feeling afraid, I can take a breath, rise above, and do what I need to do. When I am angry, I can take another breath, clear my mind, and calm my soul. I can stick to my beliefs and values, and I can be...

Bear With It
When I feel like a bear who needs to go hide in my cave, I allow myself to do it. Being alone in a quiet place gives me the time and space to collect myself. To listen to my thoughts. To hear Spirit’s guidance. My cave time allows me to emerge stronger. Refreshed....

Today’s Great Choice
Every day, I have choices to make. When I think about what will benefit me the most in the long run, my choices get easier. Expanding my vision to a longer view helps me see the power of my choices. Though today may be only one step in a particular direction, my...

Use the Oomph Factor
How I say something is as important as what I say. If I find myself affirming a new good, but I notice that I’m speaking with all the forcefulness of a wet noodle, I know it’s time to add some oomph to the equation. Even if I don’t really feel it at first, I can speak...

Want Power
There is nothing more powerful than spiritual practice. It allows me to remember who and what I am – a manifestation of the Divine. When I get lost or feel afraid, my spiritual practice gets me back on track. I sit quietly and breathe in Spirit’s love. I take a walk...

Don’t Stress It
There are many ways to respond to life. Stress is one of them. But when I change my attitude – seeing my life as full and exciting, instead of stressful – then everything changes. Including my old “stress.” This doesn’t mean I can’t include chill time for balance....

Perfection of Not
People can be annoying. But everyone is doing the best they can. Even though the first thought I think about someone might feel compelling, it may not be the most helpful thought – either for me or them. Today I pay attention to the quality of my thoughts. Do they...

Been There?
Vicious cycles can feel overwhelming. One cruddy thing after another. Yuck! Today I hold my vicious cycles lightly. I imagine funny little bikes in need of some serious dental work. When I do this, I’m using the power of my imagination to remind me where vicious...

Experience Happy and Content
I am whole and complete. I pursue my passions, and I fill my days with people and activities I love. The more I focus on cultivating love within and around me, the more love comes into my life. In such an atmosphere of love, it’s only natural that I draw to me those I...

Send the Essence of Love
Every moment is a perfect moment for prayer. When I’m waiting in line at a store. When I’m driving my car. Or in the middle of the night. As I send my love and light to someone else, they are uplifted. This energy always reaches them, whether they feel it consciously...

Love Is the Solution
Sometimes I get stuck. When that happens, I may think that the solution is a million miles away. But that’s not true. Love is always here. Right here. And Love can do anything. Anything. Today, I remember the power of Love. I remember that I can call upon Love to...