Dear Readers: 30 Years of One-Day-at-a-Times

Dear Readers: 30 Years of One-Day-at-a-Times

Dear Readers, This is a post I wrote and posted on Facebook a couple weeks ago. And now I want to share it with you. 30 years clean and sober is turning out to be a huge milestone for me, changing me in countless ways. Enjoy! Love, Meli 30 Years of One Day at a Times...
What’s the Deal with Ayahuasca?

What’s the Deal with Ayahuasca?

Dear Meli, I have a friend who has been like a spiritual teacher for me. She’s turned me onto all kinds of great practices, books, teachers. etc. Lately she’s into something new – Ayahuasca. It’s a drug she uses to hallucinate and learn things...
Why Can’t My Mind Heal My Addiction?

Why Can’t My Mind Heal My Addiction?

Dear Meli, I am currently in recovery for food addiction. I’ve tried lots of drugs over the years, but no substance seems to have as much sway over me as sugar. That said, I also follow a spiritual practice that says that I can control my life with my thoughts....
Wild, Wild Gurus

Wild, Wild Gurus

Wow. I just finished watching the Netflix series “Wild Wild County,” about the crazy times of Bagwan Shree Rajneesh and his followers in Oregon in the 1980s. While the documentary is not for everyone (it includes murderous plots and writhing naked “meditation”...
Should You Stay with a Relapsed Partner?

Should You Stay with a Relapsed Partner?

Dear Meli, My boyfriend is an alcoholic. I knew that when I met him, but at the time he was in recovery. We’ve been together about five years, and he went off the wagon about a year ago. He keeps trying to get sober, but it keeps not happening. I’m...
Can You Learn to Love Your Body?

Can You Learn to Love Your Body?

Dear Meli, I know I am supposed to love myself, warts and all. And I am better at this than I have ever been. I continue to get better all the time, in fact. I practice being nicer to me, and I get better at it. But I have this one area that feels impossible for me,...

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