Dear Meli,

I have a friend who has been like a spiritual teacher for me. She’s turned me onto all kinds of great practices, books, teachers. etc. Lately she’s into something new – Ayahuasca. It’s a drug she uses to hallucinate and learn things about herself. She says it’s amazing and I need to try it. I’m not so sure. What do you think?

Ayahuasca Avoidant

Dear Avoidant,

There are various view on this, of course. I have a friend who has used Ayahuasca and has felt very supported by it. It has served her to know what’s next for her on her spiritual journey.

However, as a Clean Addict in Recovery, I won’t go near the stuff. And I know many others who feel the same. That said, there certainly would be other reasons to consider avoiding the drug.

1. If someone is depending on the drug as their means for gathering information or direction from the Divine, it could become a habit. Drug habits are never a good thing, in my opinion.

2. For some, the experience has been a negative, or at the least not helpful. I’ve heard some say it was terrifying. Other say it was deeply psychologically painful. IF one is resilient enough, and willing to take on the task of transforming their consciousness as guided by the experience, I could imagine it might be helpful. However, if someone is doing their own ongoing spiritual practice, the work of evolving consciousness is happening anyway. It is my personal preference to meditate regularly and to open to Spirit’s guidance in that way. As I have deepened in my meditation practice, I have become better and better at “hearing” what’s next for me. And it is usually a very smooth, organic, and gentle unfolding. This is my preference.

3. If one is using the drug as their means for a connection to Source’s guidance, I find it dangerous in another way. If one gains clarity about next steps for their spiritual evolution, but they are NOT doing their own additional spiritual practice(s), then it doesn’t serve the person to have the information! It would simply be information that could be used to feel guilty or bad about who or how they are. Not helpful at all.

And, finally – and always most importantly:

4. If you don’t absolutely know this is the best choice for you, then it probably isn’t. If it is right for you, you will know. You will be guided to your “Yes.”

As a person in recovery from dependence on drugs, I opt for sticking exclusively to drugs that are prescribed for me by a medical professional. (Honestly, I don’t even subscribe to always taking those!)

But if someone is called, and I mean pulled by a force that is undeniable and strong and clear, with no hesitation or question, then I’d say it was theirs to do. Otherwise, I say “step away from the hallucinogen.” Meditate and do all the other spiritual practices that call to you instead. And I promise, life will get better and better. It’s an amazing thing!

Blessings and Love to you in all you do!

In Joy,


What is your experience with spirituality and hallucinogenics? Share your comments below!

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