Dear Meli, I had a really hard childhood. I never met my father and my mother was a drug addict who was abusive and neglectful. I lived in and out of foster homes for most of my teens. Fortunately, my life is way better now. I’m happily married and have kids of...
Dear Meli, I recently got together with an amazing person. We met in our spiritual community and we have so much in common. There’s only one area of difference: Pets. But it’s a pretty big difference! We’re talking about moving in together and they...
Dear Meli, My brother lost his husband about five years ago. Prior to his husband’s death, my brother had been sober for fifteen years. However, the death of his spouse proved too much to bear, and my brother went off the wagon. He would get sober again for a...
Dear Meli, My best friend had lung cancer five years ago. She had chemo and radiation and went into remission. Unfortunately, she recently found out that her cancer is back, is aggressive, and has gone into her bones. My friend is married and has two young children....
Dear Meli, About six years ago, I had a health crisis. In response, I cleaned up my diet. I started exercising. I stopped drinking and smoking weed. Last year, I made it to the five-year remission marker. Ever since then, I’ve been letting things slip. I...
Dear Meli, My best friend is a writer. She has had a really successful career. She doesn’t do anything to provoke this, but I often find myself comparing myself to her. I haven’t focused on my career at all in this lifetime. I have a steady job, but...