Dear Meli, I am a deep believer that everything in life is perfect and given to us by Spirit, even the hard stuff. One of the things I’ve struggled with for a long time is my body. I am over 60 years old, and have never felt totally at home in my female body. I...
Dear Meli, My husband died a few years ago, and ever since then I haven’t felt as connected to my life here on earth. It’s not that I’m depressed necessarily, but I also don’t know why I’m still here. I’ve lived a good life, and I...
Dear Meli, Do you have any ideas or advice about the connection between physical healing and emotional pain? I have a very difficult relationship with an old friend. In recent years, she has become more and more abusive. So much so, I recently stepped back from the...
Dear Meli, I know that a lot of people are having a really hard time these days. People are dying. People are losing their jobs. People are super stressed out. I am definitely feeling for all those folks that are having a hard time right now, and …. This whole...
Dear Meli, I have a history of fighting with myself, especially when it comes to my weight. Lately, I’ve been getting in touch with different aspects of myself, and I’m realizing that there’s a part of me that really wants to lose weight. But there’s another part of...
Dear Meli, I’ve always been different than other people. I don’t like parties. I’m not interested going out all the time. My husband is the exact opposite. If he had his way, we’d be going out every night. I keep thinking I need to push myself...