Melissa and I have used a powerful guided meditation for years to transform our lives. One that can help heal any and all places-in-need-of-healing. Now we’re excited to bust it out and make it available to you. Read the post to find out more! We’ve all...
Last week, we explored the wild and wonderful world of building a relationship with your Higher Power. This week, we’re taking it to the streets! More specifically, we’re taking this Higher Power gig and applying it to our interactions with other people....
Is it really possible to have a relationship with a Higher Power? I mean, that’s a pretty imposing thing to have a relationship with. Like Cher. Except this Cher also created the sky and the seas and everything in creation. Kind of intimidating. When I was a...
Did you know that you have two different versions of your life? Well, you do. One of these versions is wide and expansive. It’s big and badass. If this version of your life was a balloon, it would be one of those beautiful hot air balloons that sail across the...
Sure, meditation is great for becoming spiritually enlightened, but it’s also good for more basic stuff. Like saving your life. Before I started meditating, I would often have bad days. On a bad day, I would feel like this: Sometimes I knew why I felt bad. Other...
There’s a big fat myth about meditation. This myth is believed by meditators and non-meditators alike. It’s especially believed by people who’ve tried to meditate, but gave up because they sucked at it. Or think they sucked at it. Because of the...