Any Guru who’s worthy of their exalted title leaves a legacy of wisdom behind when they pass over to the non-physical realm. My Guru, our cat Lucy, was no exception to this rule. As many of you know, the Guru passed into the non-physical realm several years ago....
Are you a rule follower? Or are you one of those people who get a tiny thrill when you break a rule every now and then? I’ve noticed that I seem to be surrounded by rebellious types. Maybe that’s because a majority of the folks I know have made a practice...
Yup, that’s what I said. But don’t panic. Every end is a new beginning. Every time one door closes, another one opens. I know what you’re thinking: Cut the crap, Goofball. You can’t stop now! You make me laugh. You make me cry. You give me...
A few days after I wrote this post, the Guru (aka our kitty Lucy) died suddenly of undetected heart failure. As a tribute to the Guru’s mysterious ways, I wanted to share the following with you in its original form. This post is dedicated to our feisty little...
Have you ever listened to what your mind is telling you? Like, really listened? If your mind is anything like my mind, it can get pretty interesting in there. Sure, my mind coughs up some deep and profound stuff from time to time. It also gets totally blissed out and...
In the New Age/Metaphysical/Woo-Woo movement, we’re fond of saying that you can be, do or have anything you want. Wanna write a bestseller?! You can do it! Wanna live in a mansion?! It’s yours! Wanna be a rock star?! Rock on with your bad self! But is it...