When I was a kid, I knew I was going into theater. I say knew, as opposed to dreamed about, because I was given a vision showing me exactly what was coming. It happened when I was seven years old. I was standing in my parent’s bedroom. Suddenly, in my mind’s eye, I...
It’s true that what others think of me is ultimately none of my business. But it’s also true that it is my business. Here’s an example. I recently went to the great city of San Francisco. While I was there, I noticed I was getting a lot of stares. This isn’t uncommon...
A few months ago, we got home from our third tour. The more we tour, the better we get at it. For instance, we knew that we were going to need a week of down time after we got home in order to refresh and regroup. Oh, how wrong we were! It turned out we needed about...
Most Gurus have a past, and ours is no exception. Our Guru kitty Max spent the first two years of his life on the streets. Literally. When he first showed up at the home of a friend of ours, he was dirty and scrawny. Our friend tried to integrate him into her...
You’re not always right. No offense, but you’re not. And I’m not saying this because I’m a Super Smarty Pants who knows everything and always does what I’m supposed to do. Quite the opposite, in fact. I’m a Super Silly Pants who has all sorts of ideas that are not...
Dear Meli, My husband and I have been together almost 20 years. Great, right? Yeah, it’s pretty good overall. There’s just one little problem. He drives me crazy. He’s not abusive or anything, it’s not that. He just gets on my nerves. The way...