Be Evolved

Be Evolved

If I feel disappointed in myself, all I need do is reflect on how far I’ve come. Even if I fail at something, I can see that I am always learning and growing. I am continually becoming a more evolved version of me. Today I remember to be gentle with myself as I learn....
Time to Embrace

Time to Embrace

I am a badass, and I know it. Wow, that seems kinda braggy. Is that okay to say? I am a badass, and I know it. Well, I am pretty cool. I’ve gone through a lot of things and emerged stronger and more resilient. That is pretty badass. I am a badass, and I know it....
P P Day

P P Day

My inner critic has strong opinions and thinks it’s always right. But it’s not. Learning to hear my inner critic is a huge first step. Meditation and mindfulness practice help me with this. Then, aware of my critic’s opinions, I can work with them. If there’s a kernel...
Tears Are Prayers

Tears Are Prayers

When I cry, I am letting my body bathe my mind and heart. When I cry, I am allowing myself the freedom to bring my inner emotions out into the world. When I cry, I am allowing my authentic self to express. If I cry easily, this is my reminder of the power of this...
Be in Love

Be in Love

Learning to see the world with love is one of the best investments I can make. How do I do this? I soften my judgment. I increase my compassion. I remember that Spirit’s in charge, and that Spirit’s love infuses all things. Learning to see the world with love is not...
Step Into Awesomeness

Step Into Awesomeness

The external world, including social media, is full of messages. But how many of those messages do I really want to ingest? Maybe some. But there are a lot of external messages that create pain and discomfort within me. I don’t have to ingest those! Ultimately, my...

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