Not everything in my life is meant to stay there. When I realize it’s time to part ways with something or someone, I meditate on the best way to separate. Do I want to have a formal goodbye? Do I want to ask others to help me let go? How can I best honor the past and...
Meditation is a portal to possibilities. When I’m confused, meditation can bring me clarity. When I’m sad, meditation can bring me solace. When I’m angry, meditation can bring me perspective. There’s no state I can be in that meditation can’t improve in some way. In...
When my mind, body, or emotions get in a tizzy, I know it’s time to take a break. There are many ways to cool down, and I can find what works best for me. Perhaps I need to take a walk. Perhaps I need to call a friend. Perhaps I need to sit in silence. Taking a break...
Today I bring love to every part of myself. I bring love to my inner infant who needs holding and warmth. I bring love to my inner toddler who needs to express and explore. I bring love to my inner teenager who needs to know the beauty of their unique self. All these...
There is no hurry. Everything is happening in perfect time. When I feel as though I need to rush, I am misunderstanding the process. The energy of rushing disconnects me from myself, from life, and from Spirit. That’s no fun! As I trust the slow, steady progress of my...
I welcome new levels of good into my life today. In whatever ways the Divine sees fit to bless my life, I allow it. I welcome blessings with every breath I take. I look for the good everywhere. And I find it. All day long. This practice brings even greater good into...