The Secret: The pure energy of money is infinitely supportive, nurturing, and available. It is the energy of blessings.
Master Affirmation: A lot of money is flowing to me now. I deserve it, and I use it for my good and the good of others. (Backup: I am willing to believe I deserve it.)
Prosperity Practice:
Meditation: Quiets your mind and makes you aware of your thoughts. Allows you to be receptive to Source, the source of all prosperity.
Prayer: 5-Step Affirmative Prayer, taught by Centers for Spiritual Living. Allows you to claim and affirm your financial prosperity.
Gratitude: Strengthens your appreciation of your life and help you become a magnet for more. The OhMyGod Practice by Z Egloff and Melissa Phillippe is a book about our fun and powerful gratitude practice.
Tithing: Give your time, talent, and treasure!
My life is fully funded from sources that are happy to give.
I love money, and money loves me.
Every dollar I bank is accumulated wealth for my good and the good of others. The more money I have, the more others have.
No matter what I do, my financial worth increases every day. Spirit is my instant, constant, and abundant Source of supply.
Spirit helps me let a LOT of money into my life. Every day, in every way, I am becoming more and more prosperous.
My beliefs about money and prosperity easily expand, and I easily receive and have a lot more money than I ever have before.
I am incredibly wealthy and prosperous. Receiving and spending this money increases the level of consciousness, abundance, and love on the planet and draws even more abundance into my life, to continue to share.
I open to my good/prosperity because it is mine. I claim it and I receive it now. Thank You, Spirit.
I am a deliciously rich person. I am a smart master and responsible steward of the beautiful manifestations of money in my life. My wealth contributes to my aliveness and to the aliveness of others. Thank You, Spirit.
There truly is an infinite supply of abundance, including money. Spirit, the Source of all matter, is infinite and loves me infinitely, always giving greater and greater good to me. I gratefully receive it all now.
Money Magic by Michelle Masters
Angel Wealth Magic by Corin Grillo
Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth
Creating Money by Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman
The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist
Busting Loose from the Money Game by Robert Sheinfeld
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder