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OhMyGod Life!
OhMyGod Life Mission
OhMyGod Life is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a world of Joy. Our mission is to produce and share entertaining products to inspire you to know your Divinity.
OhMyGod Life Tenets
- There is one Power in all of creation. This Power is called many things, including Spirit, Joy, and Love. There is no opposition to this Power. This Power is both seen and unseen. All life forms on earth and beyond are created and sustained by this Power.
- The one Power expresses itself in a diversity of life forms. Among humans, It expresses in a variety of genders, ethnicities, cultures, abilities, and sexual preferences. All of the expressions of the Divine are to be cherished and honored.
- Our souls never die. When we finish a physical lifetime, we return to the nonphysical dimension. When we are here on earth, part of us remains in the nonphysical dimension. Before we are born, the opportunities of each lifetime are crafted by our soul to maximize our growth.
- Every person on earth is simply human and simply Divine. The human part of us sometimes forgets that it is Divine. Because of this, being both human and Divine can feel like a paradox. Embracing this paradox is part of the human adventure. (Whoo hooooo!)
- Consciousness is creative. Our thoughts and choices shape our lives. Some of our choices, however, are made on a soul level and may initially not be conscious. We may also have unconscious self-limiting beliefs. Bringing these beliefs to our conscious minds and countering them with the truth of our Divinity expands our growth. Everything that happens in our lives is perfect and exists to help us grow in love.
- We can build a personal relationship with Spirit. As we do, our intuition is strengthened and our connection to the Love and Joy of the Divine grows deeper. Our intuition is a wonderful way to discern if sources of information outside of ourselves – people, media, spiritual teachings – are relevant to our interests.
- It’s important to feel all our feelings, including the uncomfortable ones. Surprisingly, when we really feel our feelings, they move through us quickly. The more we allow ourselves to be fully human, in all our human feelings, the more readily we can connect with our Divinity.
- In the same way it’s important to remember to feel our feelings, it’s also important to remember that we have bodies. We spiritual types sometimes tend to forget about our physicality. Our bodies need to be treated just as carefully and tenderly as our souls. They are our temples while we are here on earth.
- Spirit wants us to be authentically ourselves, expressing ourselves fully. When we express ourselves fully and authentically, we inspire others to do the same.
- One of the easiest ways to express our spirituality is by being kind: to ourselves, to others, and to our planet.

OhMyGod Life Offerings
As stated above, our mission is to produce and share entertaining products to inspire you to know your Divinity. As such, this site is chock full of multiple iterations of these products! We’ve got:
Affirmations: A blend of music and positive affirmations. You can find them HERE.
Guided Meditations: A blend of music and meditation. We offer guided meditations on a variety of topics. You can find them HERE.
Prayer Weaves: We use a form of prayer called affirmative prayer. This opens you to the truth of your Divine nature. We combine this prayer with music to help drop you into your essence. You can find our Prayer Weaves HERE.
Joy Jams: These videos offer playful and upbeat coverage of a variety of spiritual topics. They include our famous (infamous?) Joy Jams jingle! You can find them HERE.
Miscellaneous: To see the complete set of our video playlists, go HERE.
We share a new cartoon meme each weekday. Each meme is a silly, spiritual sliver of insight. You can find our memes HERE. If you want cartoons delivered to your inbox daily, you can sign up HERE.
First there was Melissa Phillippe. She was a New Thought musician, and she produced a bunch of CDs of chants and songs. You can listen to those chants and songs HERE.
Then along came Z, and the artist previously known as Melissa Phillippe morphed into the duo of Melissa and Z. You can listen to our music HERE.
If you’re a musician and want printed music – or if you just wanted printed music for any reason – you can find it HERE.
We also have lyrics – HERE.
This site began with Z’s blog “Life in ZD: A Goofball’s Guide to Enlightenment.” And the blog lives on! Right HERE.
Melissa has a blog too. It’s called “Dear Meli: Advice for the Spiritually Inclined.” It lives HERE.
If you’d like to get our blogs delivered to your inbox (2 times a month), you can sign up HERE.
If you want to buy things, we can help you with that! T-shirts and fridge magnets are HERE. Books are HERE.
Our classes are a deep-dive into a variety of subjects. Each class contains a guided meditation, chants, and 20+ videos to uncover hidden beliefs and build healthy new ones. Explore our classes HERE.