How Can You Find Fulfilling Work?

How Can You Find Fulfilling Work?

Dear Meli, I hate my job. Like, really really really hate my job. But I can’t quit. I need to support my family and right now there’s nothing else out there in my field. In spiritual circles, they say “Do what you love and the money will...
How Do You Handle Estrangement From Your Spiritual Community?

How Do You Handle Estrangement From Your Spiritual Community?

Dear Meli, For about fifteen years, I’ve been involved in a wonderful spiritual community. I love the people there, and I feel love from them. About five years ago, a new spiritual leader came into the community. At first, we got along really well. She even...
How Do You Handle a Road Raging Spouse?

How Do You Handle a Road Raging Spouse?

Dear Meli, I’m a great driver. I’ve been driving thirty years and I’ve never even had a speeding ticket. My husband – that’s another story. He likes to drive fast. He also tends to get angry at other drivers who don’t go as fast as he...
­­­How to Change Your Life in 10 Seconds a Day

­­­How to Change Your Life in 10 Seconds a Day

Yes, I know it’s a bold claim. And I know I’m an American, and Americans are known for wanting things done quickly and easily, even if it’s at the expense of the environment and the rest of humanity. But hear me out! This won’t hurt the planet...

­­­How a Midnight Revelation Changed “Life in Z-D”

For those of you who have been following this blog for a while, you know it’s been through some changes lately. A year ago, I started posting every other week. Six months ago, Life in Z-D moved to OhMyGod Life. And now, another big change is on the horizon. This...

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