Dear Meli,
Spirit is the basis of everything, right? And since that’s true, isn’t it the case that if I just focus on Spirit, everything that is unlike Spirit – like hatred and racism – will just go away? I’ve been taught that what I focus on increases. So if I focus on racism, won’t that increase racism in the world? I’m not being obstinate here, I really am curious about your view on this. Thank you.
Resistant to Racism

Dear Resistant,

This is a great question. Thank you for stepping out enough to ask it.

You’re right. In metaphysical circles, we do say that what we focus on increases. However, it does not follow that denial of something makes it go away. (I sometimes have wished it would. It would certainly have been an easier route than some of the healing journeys I’ve taken!)

This is one of those spiritual annoying “both-and” answers. Because while it is true that what we focus on increases, there are times when we need to put our attention on something that’s broken in order to fix it. We need to put our attention on what we want to create, right? But ignoring a condition is not doing that. It’s turning our attention away from the current condition, and leaving it as it is.

There are times when something rises up to be looked at. This is true in every individual life, as well as in the evolution of humanity. The invitation is always the same. We are being called upon to do the following:

1) Be willing to look at what’s risen, and look deeply even if/when it’s uncomfortable

2) Learn all we can from what we see

3) Take action to shift what needs shifting to support a greater good unfolding/emerging

I can’t help but think of the Serenity Prayer here:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…

The courage to change the things I can…

and the wisdom to know the difference.

For a long time, I imagine many people felt like racism was something they couldn’t do anything about. So, for many of us, it used to be filed away in the “things I cannot change” pile.

However, here it is. Now. It is UP! It’s not a new issue. It’s been broken for a very long time! But there is a new experience happening around racism. There are more and more people speaking out.

Many would agree that this is an issue that has been calling out to be fixed for hundreds of years. So I do not mean to imply that it’s time is now, and it hasn’t been it’s time until now. It’s been time for so very long! But now there is something happening about it that’s new. Now? Now there seems to be a new possibility – a possibility for movement toward fixing something that has been so very broken for so very long.

But this won’t just happen if we ignore it. If we pretend it isn’t there, how can we fix it? You wouldn’t wake up to find your plumbing broken, and assume that if you just don’t focus on it, maybe the pipes will fix themselves. You would call a plumber. Right?

The action we can take is that call to the plumber – from educating ourselves, to speaking out (and asking questions when we need to, as you have done here), to donating to organizations that are about healing and transformation, and more. (There are lots of things we can and need to do, and we will each be called to what is ours to do. We just need to listen.) And if we don’t get through the first time, we keep calling. Right?

Because we wouldn’t stand for having broken plumbing, if we could help it. Right?

Well, in my opinion, like the plumbing – we shouldn’t stand for the racism that has been exhibited in this country. It’s stinky, just like bad plumbing can be. And it’s time we do something about it.

Why? Because we can!

Thank you again for having the courage to ask your question. And for being willing to look where it might be uncomfortable. Bless you on your journey into helping to heal what’s been broken.

Blessings and Love to you in all you do!

In Joy,


What is your experience with observing and eradicating racism? Share your comments below!

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